How Does Acupuncture improve Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO)?

Acupuncture can help improve Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO) through several mechanisms:

1. Improving Blood Circulation

Enhancing Local Blood Flow:
Acupuncture stimulates specific points to promote blood circulation in the eye and surrounding tissues. This increased blood flow can reduce oxygen deprivation and swelling in the retina.

Breaking Up Blood Clots:
Acupuncture can help dissolve blood clots and improve blood flow, reducing the blockage in the veins.

2. Regulating Immune Function

Boosting Immunity:
By regulating the immune system, acupuncture can enhance the body’s ability to resist inflammation and infection, reducing blood vessel damage caused by inflammation.

Anti-inflammatory Effects:
Acupuncture can help reduce inflammation in the retina and surrounding tissues, minimizing damage and swelling.

3. Nerve Regulation

Reducing Stress and Tension:
Acupuncture can help relax the autonomic nervous system, reduce stress, and lower blood pressure, which improves overall blood circulation.

Improving Optic Nerve Function:
Stimulating certain acupuncture points can enhance the function of the optic nerve, aiding in vision recovery.

4. Overall Body Regulation

Holistic Approach:
Acupuncture not only targets the eye but also involves overall body regulation. It balances the body’s internal systems, enhancing overall health and indirectly improving eye conditions.

Individualized Treatment:
Acupuncturists tailor treatment plans based on the patient’s specific condition, selecting different points and techniques to achieve the best results.

In conclusion, acupuncture offers a multifaceted approach to improving Retinal Vein Occlusion by enhancing blood circulation, regulating immune function, reducing stress, and promoting overall body balance. Each treatment is customized to the patient’s unique needs, providing a holistic and effective alternative therapy for managing RVO.

Are you interested in trying acupuncture for your eye condition? Please give our acupuncturist, May Huang, a call at 416-455-0351. She will be happy to answer any questions you may have.