Eye Conditions
Acupuncture has been proven to produce positive results in the treatment of eye conditions. Acupuncture is one of the few validated treatments for the relief of eye conditions. Acupuncture can promote circulation around the optic nerve, helping to remove vascular blockages and enhance the permeability of blood vessels surrounding the optic nerve. This, in turn, contributes to stimulating the regeneration and repair functions of optic nerve cells. Our clinic has seen many patients with eye disorders who are frustrated with the current solutions available. Our Acupuncturist, May Huang, understands eye conditions and has successfully helped patients achieve long-lasting improvement from myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism, presbyopia, cataracts, glaucoma, dry eye syndrome, conjunctivitis (pink eye), floaters, and retinal disorders.
"I have a strong interest in treating eye diseases, stemming from a chance occurrence. Once, I treated a patient with cervical spondylosis. After three acupuncture treatments - not only did his neck pain decrease, but his vision was improved by about 30%. This sparked my immense interest, and since then, I have dedicated myself to studying ophthalmic diseases. Through years of research, I have developed an efficient and unique method for treating eye disorders. It has remarkable efficacy, surpassing a 90% success rate. Patients commonly experience discernible improvement within the initial four treatment sessions. It has been an honor to use acupuncture to help people improve their vision and quality of life."
- May Huang, Registered Acupuncturist
To book an appointment with May Huang, please call 416-455-0351.
(Please note: only May Huang at our clinic treats eye conditions.)
Check out our blog posts for more information:
Be cautious! The risks associated with high myopia are significant! (click here)
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Perspective and Treatment for Dry Eye Syndrome (click here)
Retinal Vein Occlusion in Chinese Medicine: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments (click here)
Potential Risks of High Myopia (click here)
Acupuncture for Glaucoma (click here)
Common Eye Conditions that We Treat:
- Myopia (nearsightedness) 近视
- Hyperopia (farsightedness) 远视
- Astigmatism 散光
- Presbyopia 老花眼
- Cataracts 白内障
- Macular degeneration 黄斑变性
- Glaucoma 青光眼
- Dry eye syndrome 干眼症
- Conjunctivitis (pink eye) 结膜炎
- Floaters 漂浮物
- Retinal Disorders 视网膜疾病